Our Story

Welcome to our story at Stealth Bites, a journey that began with a deep-seated desire to make a difference in the lives of those around us. I'm Joey, the founder of Stealth Bites and a Licensed Clinical Therapist with years of experience working alongside individuals grappling with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, anxiety, depression, and more. My journey has introduced me to countless children and adults facing challenges with stimming behaviors, sensory issues, oral fixation, and anxiety-inducing behaviors. While there were solutions and recommendations for children, such as fidget toys, a significant gap existed for adults seeking discreet ways to manage similar challenges.
Driven by the experiences of my adult clients—those working tirelessly at their desks, battling restlessness, engaging in nail-biting, or facing discomfort from teeth grinding, and adults with ADHD or ASD searching for inconspicuous methods to manage stimming behaviors—I realized the profound need for a solution. The absence of resources for adults inspired a mission: to create something innovative, discreet, and effective.
Thus, Stealth Bites was born. Our vision transcends the creation of a product; it's about fostering understanding, reducing stigma, and embracing the uniqueness of our behavioral tendencies. Stealth Bites is not just a tool; it's a movement towards normalizing these behaviors and providing a sense of comfort and confidence to those who use it.
We invite you to explore the potential of Stealth Bites, designed with care, empathy, and the knowledge that there's beauty in our differences. Our hope is that it brings not only relief and support but also a stronger sense of acceptance and pride in your journey. Consider Stealth Bites more than a choice—it's a step towards embracing who you are, discreetly and proudly.